全程Execuse me槽多无口但还是想吐一下:迎合嗨点强行性转但根本不符合情理好吗解决性别议题不是把女的变成男的就行;女主的演技套用一句经典台词就是brilliant new levels of...sucking;人物性格设定完全不consistant五集大约是把五个毫不相干的肥皂剧男女主揉为了一体;都什么年代了青柠在线影院观看日本还要试图用原生家庭解释一切;把拍摄场景cut进正片我不懂是在隐喻啥就实在是太画蛇添足了最近对中产阶级矫揉造作自导自演自嗨的小情小爱实在太下头了一言以蔽之吃饱了撑的不知道我放着正事不干为啥看完了还花时间吐槽一堆大约就是吃饱了撑的
A lot of things really are hard to bring up, especially they are so personal and make us feel so painful. But we have to face it. Hang on tight. And respect yourself. I guess 13 reasons why is going to be a social issue discussion panel show from now on. Good. Look forward to 3.
An arduous and joyless intellectual exercise, rife with absurdist imageries, Creole existential crisis, and postcolonial discourse. Yet at the end of the day, the subaltern still (almost literally) cannot speak...