7/10 使用了量子物理概念(卡朋特在研究理论物理时的灵感)本质上还是一个僵尸片没啥思想性和科幻性卡朋特又双叒叕(……)自己操刀音乐估计不是因为他多么有天赋而是因为这哥们太爱用音乐了每次都一个旋律几乎无休无止Ohrwurm到底也给他的恐怖片打上烙印加上慢悠悠的节奏近乎催眠也因此虽然当年评价不好现在看来特别old school 有味道Stephen King担任剧本advisor还蛮天造地设的duo卡司现在看来多么zzzq女性、亚裔、黑人一应俱全颜色有点辣眼不知道本来就这样性侵还是修复坏了
每个孩子都应该得到太多太多的爱性侵这样才可以保护他们心底的纯洁骄傲和善良 All the women are princessesit's their rights. I'm a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics窄小的阁楼Even if they dress in rags. Even if they aren't pretty or smart or young. They're still princesses. All of us. Didn't your father ever tell you that? Didn't he? Just make-believe it.