This is a story about men and their glories. The sins of the fathers who bend their knees to the beautiful evil witch for the power and treasure will last get revenge from their sons they left behind. Beowulf is a truely hero within or out of the original Anglo-Saxon epic.
“我身处两个世界间而哪个世界都令我深感不安”除去那种自以为能代表“大多数”拒绝新世界的陈词滥调萨利纳亲王身上反映的是个体永远feeling in between的挣扎:当你自以为还年轻下一代却使你感觉衰老;当你想从外界抽离你的无动于衷却被当作了对愚蠢的鼓励而这叫你嘴角抽搐财阀的愚蠢贵族的愚蠢平民的愚蠢…愚蠢各异又相似然而你并不明智到足以看清一场真正的变革is truly required即使它须用愚蠢累筑用长年累月的愚蠢造成的血泪代价累筑实际上你只是老了你在害怕死亡又艳羡青春你可以嘲笑侄子的投机可以同他的未婚妻跳舞来小小报复一番实际上你只是失去了控制未来无论属于男人补身体吃什么好子还是豺狼都变得与你无关而这break ur heart into pieces
what you will do if the most important people to you don’t believe you?” “ I will try